The FDA's CGMP guidelines provide instructions on this in 21 CFR 211.34:
"Consultants advising on the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of drug products shall have sufficient education, training, and experience, or any combination thereof, to advise on the subject for which they are retained. Records shall be maintained stating the name, address, and qualifications of any consultants and the type of service they provide."
Fortunately, the EU GMP Guideline Part I includes almost the same requirements in chapters 2.23 and 2.24:
So far, so good. However, in a recent warning letter, the FDA explicitly points out that even if a consultant who meets the aforementioned requirements (21 CFR 211.34) is employed, the company itself is still responsible for GMP compliance.
The warning letter particularly and explicitly mentions the executive management as being responsible for dealing with all deviations and deficiencies in order to comply with CGMP.
Interestingly, the FDA recommends that the consultant should audit the company according to the 6-system audit system. This 6-system audit system was once intended as an inspection model for FDA inspections as described in the 2006 Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations. To date, this model has not been widely adopted for FDA inspections. It is therefore all the more surprising that it is now recommended for clarification of GMP deficiencies.
2023版GMP指南《质量管理体系》第276页4.7.1章节《自检》提到:自检的实施需要有足够的有资质的人员参加,企业委派外部人员或专家进行内部审计,应通过书面协议明确双方的权利 义务,并对相关人员的资质进行书面确认。
公司名称:Diora Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi